"Circular Economy for Dummies" by Professor Dr. Tom Kuppens from Hasselt University


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The lecture takes off with a critical reflection on the purpose of an economy by
illustrating the consequences of economic growth on the planetary boundaries and
material scarcity. You will get introduced to new economic models, such as Kate
Raworths concept of doughnut economics. Raworth (2017) proposes seven ways to
think like a 21st century economist. One of these ways is ?create to
regenerate, for which a circular economy can be a solution. Next, the
audience will get introduced to the vocabulary and some misconceptions that
exist regarding the circular economy. Professor Kuppens will illustrate how
sustainable business models are an important enabler for the circular economy.
After discussing the components and existing classifications of such business
models illustrated by examples from the business world, we hope you will get
inspired to experiment with such business models, either as a responsible
consumer or producer.

Kategorien: Marketing, Wissenschaft

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